It would be impossible to stroll the pavements of Brussels without being tempted by the irresistible magnetism of the very beautiful window displays.
[caption id="attachment_123" align="aligncenter" width="639" caption="Chocolate Window display in Brussels"][/caption]
Following a little cobble road from the Grand Place the Mannekin Pis can be found. This little iconic statue has earned a reputation for being very small - many of the locals warning of this at the very mention of the statue. He is in fact very small and more or less sits on the corner of a tiny street. Even more pronounced than the statue is the many, many replicas of him in everything from plaster to yes, you guessed -chocolate. Numerous coloured replicas made for this interesting display in a near by chocolate shop.
[caption id="attachment_120" align="aligncenter" width="639" caption="The Manneken Pis replicas abound in chocolate shops"][/caption]
Brussels has its fair share of Macaron stores ranging from incredibly bright colours to the more subdue. Pierre Marcolini perhaps offering the most beautiful and the most sublime texture. Of course all need to be tasted!
[caption id="attachment_125" align="aligncenter" width="639" caption="Some brightly coloured Macrons in Brussels"][/caption]
As well as every chocolate flavour known to man, many of the chocolate boutiques offer signature ranges of nougat - many of them very good.
[caption id="attachment_126" align="aligncenter" width="639" caption="not only chocolate but nougat as well"][/caption]
So much chocolate, so little time!
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