Diary 22 Jan 22
The rain is always great for baking. Today at home we're making a delicious tart of caramel and chocolate custard. Not something we make at Dello Manobut rather something for the fun of it.
The short crust pastry (if you are looking for a short crust pastry recipe I found a good one here ) made and laid into a square tart baking tin. Next it was blind baked - always an important step for any tart. We use rice to blind bake but there are lots of options including baking beads ( which we do have but could not find :( ).
After baking the crust and letting it cool. We made a firm caramel and smothered it onto the pastry custard. Then using a double boiler style we made a chocolate custard to pour on top of the caramel.
The result a delicious double layered treat!
Great with a coffee at what has been a very long week.
Covid continues to impact our business. Hoping with the return of our full team next week we can be back on track and working toward a future post covid.
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Discover the magic of cocoa powder with Dello Mano! From the difference between natural and Dutch-processed cocoa to expert tips on baking, flavor pairing, and storage, this guide unravels the secrets of chocolatey goodness. Elevate your baking and indulge in the artistry of handmade confections with insights from our 18+ years of chocolate expertise